miércoles, 30 de noviembre de 2011

Foursquare Rolls Out New Buttons for Publishers

Foursquare Rolls Out New Buttons for Publishers - http://pulse.me/s/3DoV5

Un juez ordena desindexar de Google cientos de webs -

Steve Jobs tendrá una calle en Madrid

Telefónica coloca Imagenio en la Xbox

Hollywood amenaza a proveedores de Internet con acabar las “relaciones” si no apoyan SOPA

Spotify presenta su plataforma de aplicaciones -

YouTube launches Analytics to tell you more about who’s watching your videos

martes, 29 de noviembre de 2011

Why Your Identity Is Worth $5,000 [INFOGRAPHIC]

Google Maps Now Shows Android Users Indoor Floorplans

Rastreo de consumidores en los centros comerciales de EEUU

Europa quiere construir su propia nube para evitar la ley de EE UU

Mediaset España compra seis partidos de la Copa del Rey

Viadeo adquiere Soocial, una empresa especializada en gestión y sincronización de contactos

Tuenti ofrece ya su API a algunas empresas para la creación de aplicaciones comerciales

Bing presenta los datos de lo más buscado de 2011

WordPress.com lanza WordAds, su propio sistema de publicidad

Ad Targeting — Both Facebook And The European Commission Have Explaining Left To Do

Flavors.me: A social network to unite all social networks?

Cómo entienden Google y Facebook la privacidad [infografía] |

lunes, 28 de noviembre de 2011

¿Qué es Cyber Monday?

En Facebook los usuarios siguen a las marcas que no pueden comprar

EU Set to Slap Facebook With Privacy Sanctions

5 Challenges the Auto Industry Must Overcome to Make Connected Cars Mainstream

Competencia multa a Prisa y Zeta por pactar tarifas publicitarias

Un tercio de los televisores tiene conexión a Internet

Google’s Whirlwind Six Minute Recap Of The History Of Search

Sky brings movies-on-demand to mobile in the UK

Windows Phone sales have surged, app usage data indicates

Facebook ofrece un curso gratuito para comprender mejor Page Insights, su nuevo servicio de estadísticas

Your Guide to Who Measures What in the Online Space


Nielsen Quantcast, Hitwise Compete, Google's Doubleclick -- Which Service is Right for You Depends on What You're Tracking

The online marketing world has never been more awash in quantifiable information on audience sizes, demographic make-ups and the paths they travel through the web. But the flip side is that we are in danger of becoming overwhelmed by data distractions.
That's why we put together this handy little chart for making sense of the online measurement space. ComScore and Nielsen remain in a category on their own as the primary trusted planning sources for advertisers and agencies placing ad dollars, though ComScore has arguably pulled ahead in recent years, largely due to a loss in faith in Nielsen's accuracy after multiple disclosures about glitches in its counting. Yet a host of new players, such as Quantcast, Compete, Hitwise and Google, are starting to emerge as additional rich sources of online data. We spoke to execs in both the publishing and agency worlds to gauge the good and the bad of each service-and which they would turn to for specific data needs.
METHODOLOGY ComScore has a panel of 2 million worldwide internet users, half of whom are in the U.S., who opt in to sharing their clickstream data -- the digital trail of web pages they've visited. It reports on 43 individual countries. In 2009, it introduced direct (site-centric) measurement, where publishers can apply "tags" to their page, allowing ComScore to register traffic directly. Those two data streams are then triangulated to produce an estimate. This is often called "census-based" measurement because it takes into account actual visits, rather than just extrapolating number of visits based on its panelists' behavior.
STRENGTHS "They're No. 1 for a reason," said one client, saying he's been impressed by ComScore's consistent focus on improvement and responsiveness to advertisers, agencies and publishers. They were the first major measurement company to roll out the hybrid model, using an algorithm that adds direct measurement to panel data. And they have a good mobile measurement product, MobiLens. Other areas include an ad effectiveness product -- tracking who's seeing ads, their reach and frequency.
WATCH OUT FOR Not just anybody can look up data on who's visiting what; ComScore represents an investment for clients who want regular access. And publishers have kvetched that third-party services don't accurately measure their sites, thanks to disparities between the services and a site's own server log (a disparity accounted for by cookie deletion, say the measurement companies) -- though the complaints have dropped substantially since it installed its hybrid service.
METHODOLOGY Nielsen now has a hybrid methodology, similar to ComScore's, combining data from a 200,000-strong panel in the U.S. (and another 200,000 for the other 10 countries it covers) and data collected through tags that publishers place on their websites. The hybrid model was put into effect this summer for the U.S. and Spain.
STRENGTHS Due to Nielsen's brand visibility and market penetration, they are often the default, said one client, "even though I think everyone would acknowledge that ComScore's numbers are better." Nielsen's @Plan product for audience measurement and research can be particularly useful for collecting user-behavior data. And Nielsen's AdRelevance tool can shed light on a brand's position in the marketplace by looking at impression levels generated by competitors' ads. Nielsen's other advantage is its heritage in TV measurement, which puts it in an interesting position when it comes to cross-media measurement.
WATCH OUT FOR Nielsen introduced its hybrid measurement two years after ComScore, adding to the perception that its technology is lagging. Like ComScore, Nielsen is a paid service, so it's less widely cited than some of the free audience-measurement services to which everyone has access.
METHODOLOGY Quantcast implements direct measurement and reports that its tag is deployed on 100 million websites globally. It's free to use the tag and view reports, but there are premium services for both advertisers and publishers.
STRENGTHS It's cheap and provides a wealth of data on traffic, usage metrics and demographics. Since most of the data is viewable to anyone, Quantcast has gained exposure on occasions where agencies, planners or journalists don't have access to ComScore or Nielsen numbers. It's unheard of for it to be part of an RFP, though. An agency source said her outfit works with Quantcast as a media partner as opposed to a metrics/analytics provider, going to them for a media buy since they also function as an ad network.
WATCH OUT FOR Accuracy still remains an issue for Quantcast for sites that aren't tagged. "If they don't have a .tag for your site, the data is just woeful. You get the tag and it gets pretty good," said a publisher who still gives Quantcast the best chance of breaking into the next tier.
METHODOLOGY Experian Hitwise partners with ISPs to measure a sample of 10 million U.S. internet users (and 25 million globally in 10 markets), analyzing their clickstream data (which collects the digital trail of web pages they've visited). Within that U.S. group, 2.5 million are part of an opt-in panel through third-party providers who give info about themselves such as age, gender and income.
STRENGTHS Experian Hitwise data is cheap and can be useful on an ad hoc basis. Clickstream data can help tell you the linkage between certain sites and can be useful in analyzing search trends and volume. Hitwise can sometimes answer questions that ComScore or Nielsen wouldn't be a good resource for, such as how many of a website's users play golf or go to the movies.
WATCH OUT FOR Publishers, advertisers and agencies don't really use it for site or audience measurement. That's because it doesn't provide absolute numbers, but rather represents audiences as a percentage of the online population. So instead of telling you how many people visited Groupon in May, it will tell you that Groupon had 10% marketshare of U.S. internet visits.
METHODOLOGY Compete has a sample of 2 million U.S. internet users, split between its proprietary panel and clickstream data from ISPs and Application Service Providers. Direct measurement is currently in beta.
STRENGTHS Compete is cheap. One publisher told us that Compete's data on general U.S. internet behavior is strong, and an agency exec said she worked with Compete on a brand study to gather information on what consumers thought about a particular product. She liked that Compete sent an email survey to a panel of users who were known to have seen an ad instead of just using surveys that popped up on sites where the ad ran. She's mostly seen [Compete] used by marketers and brands for deep competitive measurement of activity on their own sites.
WATCH OUT FOR For data on a particular site or demographic information, ComScore or Quantcast is more reliable. B-to-b publishers also tend to grouse about at-work audiences not factoring into Compete's site measurement. Compete doesn't have a separate "at work" panel like some competitors, but said it does measure 20,000 at-work internet users -- though that's not a lot in the world of online measurement.
METHODOLOGY Sources include aggregated Google Toolbar data from users who have opted into the toolbar's enhanced features, opt-in anonymous Google Analytics data; opt-in external consumer panel data and other third-party market research. It's aggregated over millions of users.
STRENGTHS It's free and can be integrated with Ad Words and the Doubleclick ad-serving products. An agency source said it's a useful tool to brainstorm initial ideas for a campaign, since you can plug in demographics for the audience you're looking to reach and quickly access information about sites they're likely to visit. It's also possible to see whether ads are accepted on a site, and whether it's in Google's ad network.
WATCH OUT FOR "Tens of thousands" of media plans are managed on Ad Planner, according to a Google spokesman, but it still hasn't really hit the mainstream enough for advertisers and agencies to inquire about it, says a publishing exec. Folks on the big-agency side tend to put more stock into ComScore's paid site- measurement service.

Redes sociales y marcas de coches en España


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sábado, 26 de noviembre de 2011

5 empresas que comenzaron en un garage y llegaron a la lista Fortune 500

Social Media Dashboard MarketMeSuite Helps Turn Followers Into Customers

Gol TV amenaza con cortar la señal a 1.852 bares antes del Madrid-Atlético

TV3 dejará de emitir fútbol en abierto tras sufrir un tijeretazo de 40 millones

Google empieza a colocar anuncios en Chrome

BBM Music lanzado en España

Industria gana la batalla a Cultura y al PP: el reglamento de la ley Sinde queda en suspenso

Valve: “La piratería no es el problema, el problema son nuestros servicios”

Donde esta el dinero. Tecnologia, sector con más millonarios

Las empresas españolas son las más "sociales" de Europa, según un estudio

jueves, 24 de noviembre de 2011

Google añade nuevos sitios de descargas a su ‘lista negra’

La industria audiovisual alcanza el consenso sobre el estándar de TV híbrida

El Tribunal de la UE condena a España por exceso de publicidad en televisiones

Europa prohíbe que las operadoras filtren Internet para evitar descargas ilegales

Las marcas más comentadas en Facebook [infografías]

Tuenti crece gracias a los móviles

Accion especial elmundo / Samsung

Socialbakers Social Media Report of Facebook Pages in Spain - November 2011


Las 50 compañías más sociales


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Detalles sobre el lanzamiento de Kinect para Windows

Los contenidos digitales superan a los analógicos por primera vez en España

Youzee presentará su servicio oficialmente el jueves 1 de diciembre

Microsoft ha firmado un contrato de confidencialidad para examinar las finanzas de Yahoo, ¿posible compra?

New Partnership Brings Disney Movies To YouTube Starting Today

Bruselas descarta una velocidad mínima de Internet

Google TV announces new features to let you lean back

Want to create better Facebook ads? Start here

​9 claves para entender el futuro de la televisión social (o #SocialTV)

Fondu, el Foursquare para los amantes de la comida

martes, 22 de noviembre de 2011

The island of misfit tablets

A SEO muerto, SEO puesto

Ya puedes ver cómo será el nuevo YouTube

Buffy, el teléfono que HTC desarrollará para Facebook

Los medios españoles de comunicación tendrán su propia plataforma publicitaria 'online'

Microsoft adquiere VideoSurf para mejorar la búsqueda de vídeos en Bing

Google+ Now Impacting Klout Scores, Active Users See Scores Go Up

Grooveshark is about to be sued into oblivion by Universal Music Group

Nielsen: 44% of U.S. kids 6-12 want an iPad for Christmas

Yahoo + AOL + Microsoft: Not that ridiculous

Forget 'six degrees'--we are actually closer

Microsoft Is Trying to Poach Amazon and Google Employees By Giving Out Free

Hooray! Facebook Ads Are Heading to Your News Ticker

Microsoft propone un sistema que rastrea la conducta global del empleado

Samsung And Google Still Talking Google TV, Won’t Launch At CES Anyway

¿Cuánto vale un comentario en Facebook?

lunes, 21 de noviembre de 2011

Estudio sobre el uso de los medios sociales en sector de la automoción en España


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Microsoft, Apple y sus amigos a favor de la SOPA

Desde julio habrá que adaptar la antena o resintonizar la TV

Google, Apple and the war for your cloud loyalty

Ya puedes mandar dinero a tus amigos a través de Facebook

YouTube lanza un sistema de medallas para los vídeos más vistos

Trends, los "trending topics" de Google+

Así se desarrolla una campaña en social media, la infografía de la semana

miércoles, 16 de noviembre de 2011

¡Así será Socl, la red social de Microsoft!

Tuenti rediseña Tuenti Páginas y Tuenti Sitios

Google publica gratis en español su último eBook sobre Marketing

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martes, 15 de noviembre de 2011

Google+ Pages Can Now Be Managed With Third-Party Apps

Google+ Pages Can Now Be Managed With Third-Party Apps - http://pulse.me/s/3bsPj

Crackeado Siri, empieza la cuenta atrás para tenerlo en ordenadores y Android

Las televisiones emiten un 12% más de anuncios, pero se ven los mismos

Google añade el modo verbatim para buscar términos exactos

Amazon The Hulking Giant [Infographic]

Foursquare Completely Revamps Its Site For Better Content Discovery

How to Maximize Your Video Marketing

Cerca del 80% de las fotografías en Twitter se suben desde dispositivos móviles

21 Creative Ways To Increase Your Facebook Fanbase (a modo de resumen)

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lunes, 14 de noviembre de 2011

Android sells the smartphones; Apple makes the money

Reporters Use Twitter to Promote, Not Report [STUDY]

Foursquare Badges Now Level Up

iTunes Match Launches Today

Google X, el laboratorio clandestino de Google sobre inteligencia artificial

Amazon’s Kindle Fire is available today – one day early -

Music album sales up for the first time since 2004, but why?

LinkedIn lanza un panel de estadísticas para sus grupos

Ya no hace falta invitación para apuntarse a Tuenti, sólo un móvil

domingo, 13 de noviembre de 2011

En tabletas se ve más contenido en vídeo que en ordenadores

El Gobierno aprobará el viernes una hoja de ruta para reordenar la TDT

Amazon podría vender más Kindle Fires en diciembre que iPads

¿Qué es lo que más les gusta a los usuarios de Facebook?

Spanish social network Tuenti takes advantage of Netflix’s delays to launch film rental service

Tres novedades que pronto veremos en las páginas de empresa de Google+

Convocan por redes sociales un apagón de Telecinco en protesta por la entrevista a la madre de el Cuco

Español, de 30 años y urbano, así es el blogger hispano

No plans to put ads in Google+, says Google executive

sábado, 12 de noviembre de 2011

Nace biit, el nuevo servicio de música gratuita a la carta para móviles con sabor español


Deadlines: cómo demostrar a nuestros clientes que necesitamos tiempo para pensar

Google Maps 5.12.0, llegan los eventos en directo a Google Places

5 Steps for a Successful QR Code Marketing Campaign

La publicidad móvil en España – infografía -

El ADSL universal ya tiene cifras y decepcionan

Hulu Plus Will Compete With Amazon Instant Video On The Kindle Fire

jueves, 10 de noviembre de 2011

Why Your Personal Data Is The New Oil

Facebook Readying FTC Settlement Over Privacy [REPORT]

Yap, el Siri de Amazon

iOS y Android obtendrán más ingresos que DS y PSP

Infografías, sí no está en Visual.ly, es que no existe.

Visual.ly: a Library of Infographics
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.5

Twitter ya está activando las nuevas pestañas de Actividad y Menciones, ¿cómo funcionan?

PP y PSOE podrían aliarse para eliminar la publicidad de las cadenas autonómicas


Real-Time Insights Finder


New Razorfish Outlook: vol 10


Google Panda, el nuevo algoritmo de Google -Infografía

El PP planea privatizar televisiones autonómicas e integrar Efe en RTVE

Google Direct Connect, el nexo de unión entre el buscador y las páginas de Google+

martes, 8 de noviembre de 2011

Want to Run a Contest or Promotion on Google+? Not So Fast

Firefox 8 launches with native support for Twitter search and better extension handling

Adconion Media Group compra Smartclip

Así son las relaciones en la época de las redes sociales

Google+ a fondo: Así son las páginas para marcas y empresas

Panasonic integra Twitter en sus nuevos modelos de televisores

Video interactivo Youtube autopromo


Google oculta la ‘palabra clave’ de un porcentaje de usuarios

20 TV Shows With the Most Social Media Buzz This Week [CHART]


Google+ Pages Age Selector Signals End of 18+ Age Limit


El presidente del Constitucional alemán considera Facebook 'actividad de riesgo'

Poorsquare.us taps Foursquare to find freebies near you

Poorsquare.us taps Foursquare to find freebies near you - http://pulse.me/s/2Wihf

How to help Direct Connect find your Google+ Page


lunes, 7 de noviembre de 2011

Google drinks its own Kool Aid, launches +YouTube, +Google pages on Google+

Google drinks its own Kool Aid, launches +YouTube, +Google pages on Google+ - http://pulse.me/s/2WfLp

¡Aquí están las páginas para empresas de Google+!

¡Aquí están las páginas para empresas de Google+! - http://pulse.me/s/2WnD3

Walmart App Shopycat sugiere regalos basados en la actividad en Facebook -

Walmart App Shopycat sugiere regalos basados en la actividad en Facebook - http://pulse.me/s/2VAiW

Google tests ‘Sources’, delivers background information for search results

Google tests ‘Sources’, delivers background information for search results - http://pulse.me/s/2VG5U

El horario de un community manager, la infografía de la semana

El horario de un community manager, la infografía de la semana - http://pulse.me/s/2U3Nr

When Placing Ads, Don't Underestimate the Value of Mobile

When Placing Ads, Don't Underestimate the Value of Mobile - http://pulse.me/s/2UUqq

4 Essential Facebook Page Apps to Improve Communication With Fans

4 Essential Facebook Page Apps to Improve Communication With Fans - http://pulse.me/s/2UvO7

El consumo de datos en teléfonos móviles crece un 47% en el último año

El consumo de datos en teléfonos móviles crece un 47% en el último año - http://pulse.me/s/2QTKl

Ciudadanos impulsan boicot de marcas a La Noria -

Ciudadanos impulsan boicot de marcas a La Noria - http://pulse.me/s/2Qewn

Disney and YouTube set to ink online content partnership

Disney and YouTube set to ink online content partnership - http://pulse.me/s/2V0Aj

Pay with a tweet: descarga archivos pagando con un tweet -

Pay with a tweet: descarga archivos pagando con un tweet - http://pulse.me/s/2QKbP

viernes, 4 de noviembre de 2011

Everybodycar, ahora las compras grupales llegan a los coches

Everybodycar, ahora las compras grupales llegan a los coches - http://pulse.me/s/2PO0V

La inversión en publicidad online y el método del indio

La inversión en publicidad online y el método del indio - http://pulse.me/s/2PiMv

Google mejora los resultados para búsquedas de temas de actualidad -

Google mejora los resultados para búsquedas de temas de actualidad - http://pulse.me/s/2ODp7

Movistar responde a WhatsApp: SMS ilimitados gratis con sus planes de datos móviles -

Movistar responde a WhatsApp: SMS ilimitados gratis con sus planes de datos móviles - http://pulse.me/s/2NEpl

Barnes and Noble launches another tablet, aimed directly at the Kindle Fire

Barnes and Noble launches another tablet, aimed directly at the Kindle Fire - http://pulse.me/s/2OB1g

3 Ways Digital Innovation Can Make Luxury Brands Exclusive Again

3 Ways Digital Innovation Can Make Luxury Brands Exclusive Again - http://pulse.me/s/2OQ7z

Google Could Be Planning to Completely Disrupt the TV Business [REPORT] -

Google Could Be Planning to Completely Disrupt the TV Business [REPORT] - http://pulse.me/s/2P3Fm

jueves, 3 de noviembre de 2011

Where should you post your status?

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Privalia lanza una web para vender moda sin descuentos

Privalia lanza una web para vender moda sin descuentos - http://pulse.me/s/2N6S9

PayPal Takes Payments Offline With “PayPal Wallet”

PayPal Takes Payments Offline With “PayPal Wallet” - http://pulse.me/s/2M375

Will 3D Televisions Actually Hurt the TV Business?

Will 3D Televisions Actually Hurt the TV Business? - http://pulse.me/s/2MMdz

Más de la mitad de los internautas ya no navegan con Microsoft Internet Explorer

Más de la mitad de los internautas ya no navegan con Microsoft Internet Explorer - http://pulse.me/s/2KanX

Nokia ofrecerá WiFi gratis en el centro de Londres

Nokia ofrecerá WiFi gratis en el centro de Londres - http://pulse.me/s/2KG4U

Google ya indexa el texto de Facebook Comments -

Google ya indexa el texto de Facebook Comments - http://pulse.me/s/2M5tS

Twitter Tests “Top News” And “Top People” At Top Of Search Results -

Twitter Tests “Top News” And “Top People” At Top Of Search Results - http://pulse.me/s/2LZGE

Renfe ofrecerá Wi-Fi gratis en sus trenes

Renfe ofrecerá Wi-Fi gratis en sus trenes - http://pulse.me/s/2MblM

iTunes Match makes a beta appearance on the Apple TV

iTunes Match makes a beta appearance on the Apple TV - http://pulse.me/s/2MRwW

Schmap, consigue más detalles sobre tus seguidores de Twitter

Schmap, consigue más detalles sobre tus seguidores de Twitter - http://pulse.me/s/2Mr4O

miércoles, 2 de noviembre de 2011

"Life in a day", el documental hecho con vídeos de usuarios de YouTube, ya está disponible en la web


Apple también quiere mapas

Apple también quiere mapas - http://pulse.me/s/2Jg3p

El cementerio de Google – Infografía

El cementerio de Google – Infografía - http://pulse.me/s/2Jclb

El “efecto Kinect” también llegará a las aplicaciones comerciales -

El “efecto Kinect” también llegará a las aplicaciones comerciales - http://pulse.me/s/2G1Kk

Hulu Plus app said to be ready for Apple TV, but held back by fears of cannibalization -

Hulu Plus app said to be ready for Apple TV, but held back by fears of cannibalization - http://pulse.me/s/2GmTu

Google launches “Why these ads” to educate consumers on ad targeting

Google launches “Why these ads” to educate consumers on ad targeting - http://pulse.me/s/2GrRe

Anyone can now link their Facebook profile to Twitter. Here’s how

Anyone can now link their Facebook profile to Twitter. Here’s how - http://pulse.me/s/2GEtD