miércoles, 13 de septiembre de 2017

Amazon Is Opening Up Its Ads Business and Marketers See a Big Opportunity to Shake Up Search https://t.co/xHjegdwJG8

Brand safety or performance? https://t.co/iGHrES1NVM

The True Costs of Ignoring Online Brand Safety https://t.co/KDS30he9kK

Why are media planners still planning like it's 2009? https://t.co/4phMBb0qa9

IAB Launches New Push Against EU Privacy Proposal https://t.co/RlhhvijAEU

miércoles, 6 de septiembre de 2017

El 5G, una tecnología que cambiará nuestra rutina y nuestro bolsillo | Economía | EL PAÍS https://t.co/CnjB8F5gD8

LinkedIn lanza Audience Network, para llevar el contenido patrocinado a aplicaciones de terceros https://t.co/MY1k7KiVGq

Digital Advertising Is Facing Its Ultimate Moment of Truth, and Billions of Dollars Are at Stake https://t.co/4RpPtdB9C3

Verizon taps personal data https://t.co/QrvHsxz1zf